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Crack the enterance -MCQ examination in Homeopathy

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Crack the enterance -MCQ examination in Homeopathy

خلاصه کتاب: سوالات تستی و چهارجوابی برای آزمون هومیوپاتی


It is with immense pleasure that we present this book ‘Crack the Entrance: A Preparatory Manual of Materia Medica MCQ Examinations in Homeopathy’ before the Homeopathic fraternity. We have had the opportunity to interact with students of Homeopathy from different parts of India especially through the well-known Homoeopathic portal ‘similima. com’. The main difficulty usually faced by the students appearing for competitive examinations is the unavailability of an authentic book with study material on Materia Medica.
After deep thought and detailed study, we decided to bring about a book, which would be of immense help for the students of Homeopathy. This book is the first part of a series of books that we have planned to publish. It contains important study material and objective type questions exclusively based on Materia Medica. It has come to our notice that in all competitive examinations in Homeopathy till date; about twenty percent to thirty percent of questions appear from Materia Medica. We have put our best foot forward when we ventured out about 5 years ago to collect materials for the book. Though the process was slow but we always had an eye for perfection. A thorough analysis of the previous question papers of competitive examinations in Homeopathy inspired us to make this unique compilation of important study material and Multiple Choice Questions in Materia Medica. We have taken the utmost care to
present each chapter in a simple and lucid manner, so that the students can comprehend easily.
Salient features of this book are:
(a) Study material based on authentic Materia Medica textbooks: This section comprises of 13 chapters. Each chapter comprises charts, tips for easy study, re-caps etc., which are based on frequently asked questions. The candidates have to be well versed with this chapter as it has been seen that questions based on this study material have appeared frequently in different question papers.
We have tried our best to make the notes as interesting, exciting and reader-friendly as possible.
(b) Chapter-wise arrangement of Multiple Choice Questions: Great effort has been taken to segregate the questions and put them under different headings, so that the students can study them systematically. This arrangement is also easier to memorize. Care has been taken to avoid repetition of questions and also to include different types of Multiple Choice Questions in each section.
(c) Previously asked Questions: A separate section on previously asked questions of various examinations like Union Public Service Commission (U.P.S.c.),
Kerala Public Service Commission (K.P.S.c.), National Institute of Homoeopathy (N.I.H.), Rajasthan Public Service Commission (R.P.S.C.), Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (M.P.P.S.c.), Post Graduate Entrance Examinations in Homeopathy of various states are given under each chapter. Questions from the most recent competitive examinations have also been included. For certain doubtful and confusing questions, adequate explanation has also been
given along with the answer key. In this book the Synthesis Repertory by Frederik Schroyen, Boericke’s New Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica and Allen Keynotes have been followed. It is only with the systematic study and hard work that a student can reach to the goal. The famous line of Thomas Alva Edison always holds good, ‘Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration’ . Readers are welcome to send their suggestions, corrections, criticisms and contributions to the E-mail so that we can rectify and improve our work in the future.

فهرست مطالب:

Study Material – Materia Medica
۱. How To Study Materia Medica for MCQ Examinations 3
۲. Important Books on Materia Medica and their Authors 9
۳. Provers / Authorities 19
۴. Vegetable Kingdom 29
۵. Animal Kingdom 45
۶. Mineral kingdom 51
۷. Nosodes, Sarcodes & Imponderabilia 61
۸. Constitution 69
۹. Desire, Aversion and Intolerance of important medicines 83
۱۰. Important Modalities of medicines 99
۱۱. Dr. Gibson Miller’s Hot and Cold Remedies 123
۱۲. Relationship of Remedies 129
۱۳. Tips from Bericke 163
۱۴. Previous Questions Revisited 179
Multiple Choice Questions – Materia Medica
۱. Mind
۲. Head and Vertigo
۳. Eye and Vision
۴. Ear and Hearing
۵. Nose, Face and Mouth
۶. Throat and External throat
۷. Stomach, Abdomen, Rectum and Stool
۸. Urinary organs
۹. Male Genitalia
۱۰. Female Genitalia
۱۱. Chest and Respiration
۱۲. Back and Extremities
۱۳. Sleep
۱۴. Fever
۱۵. Skin
۱۶. Generalities
۱۷. Miscellaneous
۱۸. Assertion and reason
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