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A Concise Repertory of Homoeopathic Medicines

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A Concise Repertory of Homoeopathic Medicines

نویسنده: Satish Raj Phatak


While compiling a Materia Medica as a companion volume to my repertory. I have had to go through different materia medicas written by various authors like Drs. Hering. Clarks. Boger. Boericke. Kent and many others. While doing this I found many new clinical and pathological symptoms. So I have taken this opportunity to add these symptoms in this edition of my repertory. Very few changes were found necessary while revising the book. My repertory was well received not only in India. but even abroad in America and England. The demand for it was persistent and increasing. but if my colleague Dr. P. Sankaran had not undertaken the responsibility of publishing it, the book in this second edition would not have seen the light so soon. Not only I thank him but users of this book must thank him also for this. My friend Dr. (Miss) Homai Merchant has been kind enough to offer her services and type out the whole manuscript without a single murmur. For this I am grateful to her. No repertory. whether exhaustive or concise. is ever complete. Yet. I hope this book will be more useful to prescribers to find the correct remedy in most of their daily routine cases. And if they know the techniq~es of Dr. Boger. they will have occasion to refer to the exhaustive repertories very rarely. I am thankful to Mis Jokap Printers for doing the printing so patiently and painstakingly. Lastly I must thank God for preserving me in spite of myoId age and poor health to see this edition published.



I am happy that after about 23 years this third edition is being published. The total period for the revision was about seven years. The number of pages has increased partly because of bigger type, still the book remains handy. New aditions one marked with mark.
B. Jain Publishers deserve my thanks for the publication.
Please see the note prepared for the third edition.
June 2000 Dr. D. S. Phatak



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